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Specializing in STEM-certified Business and Non-Business Degrees

Not your regular, flashy, alumni endorsing money-grubbing consultancy.

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Our humble attempt to do

something substantial

We don't intend to make tall claims unlike our contemporaries which do not hesitate in putting out unrealistic numbers while actually the numbers being dismally low. We are a team of professionals who worked in the industry, and had first-hand experiences of witnessing upsetting scenarios wherein these established consultancies conduct a mini scam every single day while robbing young students off their money in the garb of offering the highly personalized assistance through the most generic approach possible. 

We have been in situations wherein the client is waiting for the applications to be built while the deadlines are nearing and the team is of the view that, don’t worry, your applications are being worked upon. Meanwhile, the deadlines are closing and the service of unlimited edits that were promised to the client in the first place evaporates in thin air since the clients do not even get to review the application material till the last day of the deadline!

Just the tip of the iceberg btw. One may feel utterly hopeless at the magnitude of the problem if dares to dive deeper into it.

That’s when we felt the need to make amends. And EdGlide is our humble attempt to do something substantial about this.

Our Testimonials


Why choose us?

Simply because we intend to deliver an efficacious approach rather than onboard a ton of applicants, and struggle to deliver thereafter.

The rule of P-50

P-50- refers to the Priority-50 applications, a self-imposed limit, wherein for each intake, we target to work upon just about 50 applications, and not more than that, until and unless we are done with the previous 50. It allows us to have a laser focused approach, and deliver a pitch-perfect, well-written, and highly customized set of application material.

The ideal approach -

You need 1 solid professional who - 

  • is a good listener   

  • has a flair of writing

  • has solid experience in targeting a particular university

  • knows about the intricacies of the eligibility and competency of the program an applicant is targeting

  • and most importantly, is reachable!

Domains we specialize in -

We at EdGlide, don’t intend to venture into every other Masters degree. We have been highly selective while focusing upon targeting the top-tier, top-ranking universities in the following set of geographical regions -
USA, UK, and European Countries.

Our Domains

 At  EdGlide, we don’t intend to venture into every other Masters degree. We have been highly selective while focusing upon targeting the top-tier, top-ranking universities in the following set of geographical regions - USA, UK, and     European Countries.

STEM-Certified Business degrees

STEM-Certified MIM

Non-Business degrees


Plan of Action

At EdGlide, our priorities are crystal clear. We work with a single minded focus of ensuring that you bag an admission from your target university. That’s all. No nonsense, no bullcrap. 


Cand-Eval is the initial aspect of our association with you. Therein we evaluate your candidature thoroughly, and help you get some substantial clarity in identifying the major strengths, highlights, deficiencies and shortcomings of your profile.

Priority Listing

Priority Listing is the juncture in the journey with us wherein we share a set of schools and countries with you that we'd like to consider for you. It shall offer you a clear idea as to which all schools should be your target schools.


Strategy mapping is about charting out a solid and credible strategy to enhance your profile and building it further to actually improve your prospects, and that too marginally, of bagging an admission from your target university.

EdGlide's Dynamic Partnerships - Adding an Edge to Your Profile!

To give you an even greater edge, we have reliable and established associations with NGOs and social volunteering clubs which allows us to offer a range of volunteering opportunities to you that you can capitalize on to further build your profile and highlight your commitment to social service in your college applications.
this image represant unity, partnership, collaboration


 Let's glide away

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